Basic Vanilla Buttercream

Just a simple basic recipe today. Do you sometimes forget how to make something? I did earlier today when I forgot how to make a simple basic buttercream icing for my Mum’s Mother’s Day cake. So I’ve decided to post my go to recipe for it on here, in case I ever need to remind…

Vanilla Buttermilk Cake

Since I shared my chocolate buttermilk cake recipe with you, it only makes sense for there to be a vanilla one too. This particular recipe is a variation of the one I use as my go to chocolate cake, it came about in 2015 when I was asked to make cupcakes for my second older…

Coffee and Walnut Layer Cake

Happy New Year everybody! Welcome to my kitchen in 2019. Did you have a good Christmas? I sure did, several cookbooks, a games console and several other bits and pieces. As for the New Year, I saw it in at home with my Mum, and we drank G&Ts. Have I mentioned that I like a…

Old-School Chocolate Cupcakes

This is it, the last baking recipe I’ll be personally eating for a while, as I’m back on the Body Coach workouts. After this post, I shall be focusing on more healthy recipes for the blog. Don’t worry though, I’ll still do an occasional treat. The recipe below is a variation on the one for…

Coconut Layer Cake

Ever since I first saw Ina Garten make a coconut layer cake in her television programme, Barefoot Contessa, I’ve wanted to make my own version. Two layers of coconut sponge, filled and covered with cream cheese frosting. Heaven. For years now, when it comes up to someone’s birthday, I offer to make them a birthday…

Maple Syrup and Dark Chocolate Chip Layer Cake

When my brothers and I were growing up, our mother made us whatever cake we wanted for our birthdays; vanilla or chocolate with buttercream and jam mostly, but for herself it was always a basic sponge with jam, and in 2012 I decided to do something about it. After flicking through my collection of baking…

Simple Iced Chocolate Birthday Cake

For the past few years I’ve made the birthday cakes for my family. I usually tend to do a frosted layer cake, whatever variety they want. I don’t think I would have the patience to shape cakes into numbers or whatever, and anyway I prefer doing the former to the latter. Does this make me…

Simple Victoria Sandwich

A basic bake that every cook/baker needs in their repertoire. Ever since I was a child, one cookbook has retained a constant presence in my life, the Ultimate Cake Book by Mary Berry. Every few days it would be on the kitchen counter, Mum making a cake from it. Victoria sandwiches mostly. When I started…